Getting your period for the first time is one of those experiences that, for many of us, is etched into memory—and we all have period stories. Sometimes in a positive way, and sometimes, not so much. For me, it was a confusing, overwhelming, and, honestly, scary moment. The kind of moment that sticks with you, not because of the joy of entering womanhood, but because (at least for me) no one took the time to explain what was really going on.
Worldwide, according to UNICEF, only 2 out of 5 schools (a whopping 39 percent) provide menstrual health education to students at all, let alone pre-puberty. According to another study, the inclusion of menstruation education was more limited — with only three U.S. states specifically talking about menstrual product topics and another three including “menstruation management” in their school health standards. Menstrual education, in particular, continues to be overlooked in the states.
For me, a girl who grew up being raised by a single father — my mother few and far between in my childhood — and a lack of period education, its arrival surprised me. I cried the first time I got it.
The Day I Got My Period
Unlike other girls in my class, I was late to getting my period. I was already sixteen before it showed up, and even at that age, I couldn’t quite process what was happening or why.
I remember it vividly: I was in the middle of a regular school day when I realized something wasn’t quite right. It wasn’t just cramps (which I had heard about) or a slight change in my body (which I had noticed), but the unmistakable sensation that I had just stepped into a world I didn’t understand.
No one had really told me about periods in a way that made sense. My dad was around, but I never felt like I could ask him about it, and I had my Granny to ask, but I felt embarrassed. I was sixteen, so I had heard vague references, and I vaguely understood what was “supposed” to happen, but it wasn’t enough to help me when the moment actually arrived. No one sat down with me, explained the mechanics, reassured me that this was normal and not something to be scared of. The silence made everything seem worse than it was.
So, there I was, in the middle of class, silently panicking. What do I do? Is this normal? What happens now? How do I even handle this? When I went to the bathroom, the sight of blood was a shock, and that's when the tears started.
It wasn't just about the physical changes—it was the emotional ones, too. It was about feeling suddenly alienated from my friends and other girls who seemed to know more than I did. Girls who had their mothers around to explain it to them. I wasn’t prepared for any of it.
Why No One Told Me About Periods
Looking back, I realize that a big part of the problem was the culture of silence around menstruation. Sure, we were taught about basic biology in school, but there was a lack of real, human context around it. It was framed as just something that happens—and that’s it.
But no one explained to me how it would feel, how to deal with it, or what the practical steps were when the moment actually arrived. No one told me that it might happen without warning, that there might be cramps, that it might be messy, or that my emotions might go haywire.
The fact that it wasn’t discussed openly made me feel like it was something to be embarrassed about. I internalized this feeling of shame, as if my body doing something natural was somehow a mistake or an inconvenience.
Why is this conversation so taboo? Why are periods treated like this secret, unspoken thing? When we don’t give young people the proper tools, guidance, or language to understand what’s happening to their bodies, we set them up for confusion and anxiety. I wish someone had taken the time to make me feel like it was a normal, natural part of life—because it is. I wish someone had told me that it’s okay to cry, but that it wasn’t something to fear.
What I Wish I Had Known
If I could go back, I would tell my younger self a few things:
It’s Okay to Not Be Prepared
We don’t always know when our first period will come, and that’s okay. I remember feeling like I should have been “ready” for it. But there’s no “right” age, no magic formula for when it’s going to show up, and no perfect way to prepare. It’s okay to feel caught off guard.
Your Period Doesn’t Define You
When your period hits, it’s easy to feel like it’s the end of the world. It feels like a huge, life-altering event, but the truth is, it’s just one part of your life cycle. It doesn’t change who you are. You don’t need to feel embarrassed or overwhelmed. Your period doesn’t make you any less of who you are or who you’re becoming.
Ask Questions
If you don’t understand something, ask. I wish I had felt comfortable asking my mom or an older sister for advice. It would have made a world of difference to have had someone explain how periods work—not just the technical details, but the emotional side too. If you feel lost, you don’t have to figure it all out alone.
It’s Normal to Feel Emotional
Periods aren’t just physical. They’re emotional too. I didn’t know that feeling a rollercoaster of emotions—from tears to anger to joy—was part of the package. Understanding that my emotions were normal (and temporary!) would have saved me from a lot of unnecessary stress.
You’re Not Alone
One of the hardest parts of getting my period was the feeling that I was the only one who didn’t know exactly what to do. But the truth is, every single person who menstruates has gone through that moment—the fear, the tears, the confusion. We are all in this together. It’s just that no one talks about it enough.
A More Open Future
I’m hoping that the future looks different for the next generation. I want girls who come after me to feel empowered when their period arrives. I want them to understand that it’s okay to talk about it, that it’s nothing to hide or feel shame about. I want young people to feel supported and informed, so that when their period comes, they can feel confident and ready, not scared or isolated.
The conversations need to happen—at school, at home, in communities. We need to break the silence around menstruation and start seeing it for what it is: a beautiful, natural process that marks a significant moment in our lives. It’s not something to cry about—it’s something to embrace, something to celebrate even, because it’s part of the wonderful complexity of being human.
So, here’s to normalizing periods, to not hiding, to not being ashamed, and to making sure the next generation is never left to cry in silence.