When you're on your period, do you find yourself avoiding penetrative sex? Of course, period blood can be messy — and maybe you’ve tried dark towels, shower sex, a period blanket, or just throwing caution to the wind — but there is one sure-fire way to have mess-free period sex.
The answer? Wearing a menstrual disc.
How to have mess-free period sex every time
While wearing a menstrual cup isn’t an option because of its low placement in the vaginal canal, the good news is, a reusable disc can be a great option for mess-free period sex!
Using a menstrual disc for sex is a great way to get all the benefits of period sex without any of the mess. Sex encourages the release of feel-good endorphins, helps you bond with a partner, and can relieve stress, pain, and cramps associated with menstruation.
Contrary to taboos, menstrual blood is not dirty or dangerous, and it is safe to engage in sexual activity while on your period. In fact, some menstruators experience an increase in arousal during this time.
Learn more about the benefits of period sex and how wearing a menstrual disc during sex works anatomically, below.
How period sex can change your cycle for the better
1. Orgasm can ease the ache of period cramps
Hormones shift during your period and the ones responsible for sex drive slowly begin to rise again. This rise can increase desire, after a period of time when low hormones can cause libido to decrease.
Some women even report that this increase in desire also increases their pleasure! But the benefits don’t stop there.
Think about an orgasm as a massage for your uterine muscles. These are the muscles cramping and causing you period pain. When we orgasm, these same muscles contract and then relax. This subsequent relaxing lessens overall cramping and provides relief.
Orgasm also triggers the release of feel-good hormones like endorphins and oxytocin. Oxytocin is a bonding chemical, drawing us closer to the people we care for. Endorphins give us a “rush”, helping regulate stress levels and lower pain perception.
2. It can be mess-free
There aren’t any menstrual cups you can have sex with, but luckily, menstrual discs, including the Diva Disc, are designed to be worn in the vaginal fornix, tucked up behind the pubic bone.
This higher placement leaves the vaginal canal open, keeping menstrual blood neatly held in the disc.
Menstrual disc insertion for mess-free period sex.
3. It may shorten your period
Did you know that having sex may make your periods shorter? That's becayse muscle contractions during an orgasm push out the uterine contents faster. That could result in shorter periods.
4. It can relieve period migraines
According to one 2017 studyTrusted Source, about half of women living with migraines get migraine attacks during their periods. Well, good news! Research suggests that period sex could help with that.
Although most people with menstrual migraine avoid sex during their attacks, a 2013 study found that many of those who do have sex say it partially or completely relieves their attacks.
5. Period blood can act as a natural lubricant
Listen: We're always a fan of using a lubricant during sex — we especially like Bloomi's Smooth water-based lubricant or Playground's Naked Love water-based lubricant that is scientifically proven to help prevent UTIs and bacterial vaginosis.
But if you're looking for even more lubrication during sex, period blood can actually act as a natural lubricant. Combined with a lubricant you already love, period sex will be even more enjoyable.
Remember: Using a menstrual disc is NOT birth control
Ready to embark in mess-free period sex? The menstrual disc is for you. But remember: It does not act as birth control.
While sex with a menstrual disc comes with mess-free perks, it does not take the place of birth control. While it may look like a diaphragm but does not serve as protection against pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections.
Try it for yourself!
The Diva Disc is our new period hero, with comfortable period protection and up to 12 hours of wear time. It’s a great addition to your reusable menstrual care routine — making period sex mess-free!